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Improve your smile quickly and discreetly with a porcelain veneer designed for you.

HomeServicesCosmetic DentalVeneers

What To Expect

What are veneers?

Veneers are one of the best and fastest ways to cosmetically improve your smile. Porcelain veneers are made from ultra-thin ceramic porcelain that is permanently bonded to the natural enamel of your teeth.

Commonly placed on the front of your tooth, veneers are a natural-looking, stain-resistant and highly durable way of improving the look and structure of your smile.

At Dental Excellence, we collaborate with top laboratories across Australia to provide premium, hand-layered porcelain veneers. Each step in our process allows for minute adjustments and feedback, to ensure you’re 100% happy with the appearance of your smile.

Porcelain veneers are a natural-looking solution for fixing:

  • Gaps between teeth

  • Broken teeth

  • Chipped teeth

  • Stained, unsightly, or washed-out fillings

  • Permanently stained or discoloured teeth

  • Crooked teeth

Cosmetic consultation

Your initial consultation will include an extensive examination of your teeth and a discussion with our highly skilled cosmetic dentist about your desired outcomes. During this appointment, we’ll make recommendations on the best options for you, and tailor an individual treatment plan.

Your consultation will include:

  • A thorough dental examination

  • X-rays if required

  • Discussion of smile makeover options

  • Examples of real-life cases

  • Individualised treatment plan

Preparation and positioning

Following your consultation, we will conduct a digital smile design. This mocks up temporary veneers for us to use to design your smile.

We apply the temporaries directly to your teeth and adjust according to your preferences. This point is our opportunity to work together to refine the shapes, colours and characteristics of your smile. We’ll be able to see exactly what your new smile will look like before we make any permanent adjustments.

After this preparation, we prepare your teeth and take impressions. These are sent to our partner laboratory, so your final, hand-layered porcelain veneers can be created. Once these are ready, you have the opportunity to test and try on the veneers before your application.


We will remove your temporaries and position your new porcelain veneers. When you’re 100% happy with the look and feel of your new smile, we’ll cement the new veneers in place.


Porcelain veneers start from $1300 per tooth.

Bonded veneers cost approximately $450 to $650 per tooth.

An exact quote for your treatment can be obtained through a consultation appointment.

What’s the difference between porcelain and bonded (composite) veneers?

Porcelain and bonded veneers are made from different products and have a different final appearance.

Porcelain veneers are made from ultra-thin ceramic porcelain. Bonded, or composite, veneers are made from a composite resin. While bonded veneers use a minimally invasive procedure and are less expensive, porcelain veneers are longer lasting and provide a more natural look.

The best way to determine which option is right for you is to speak with a cosmetic dentist.

Are veneers covered by health insurance?

What’s included in insurance cover depends on each insurance provider. We highly recommend contacting your provider directly to confirm if you’re covered for treatment. After your cosmetic consultation, we’ll provide a detailed treatment plan, including item numbers, for insurance purposes.

How do I get veneers to match my other teeth?

The colour of your veneers is entirely up to you. We provide you with a shade guide and our recommendation, but ultimately, the brightness of your veneers is up to you.

During your consultation, we’ll remind you to consider your skin tone in different seasons, whether you wear lipstick or tanning products, and how well you can maintain the shade of your other teeth.

Can I get veneers if my teeth are chipped?

Your suitability for treatment can only be assessed during a consultation and examination. Generally, porcelain veneers are well-suited for chipped teeth, because they simultaneously restore the aesthetic of the tooth, and preserve strength, to prevent any further chipping from occurring.

Can I still get cavities with veneers?

You can be prone to cavities with veneers if your underlying teeth are not looked after, but good oral hygiene habits can control cavities. Brushing and flossing twice a day and visiting the dentist regularly are highly recommended.

During your consultation, we’ll examine your teeth and mouth to ensure you are a suitable candidate for veneers. This examination includes assessing your oral hygiene habits. If there are fillings or root canal treatment required, we will discuss and arrange this before your veneer treatment begins.

Will my teeth be shaved into tiny tooth pegs?

Our professional services will have your teeth looking as close to natural as possible.

During your consultation, our cosmetic dentist will thoroughly assess your suitability for veneers, and will explain to you the preparation required for your teeth prior to veneer application. Generally there are two types of preparation for porcelain veneers:

  • Minimal to no preparation: your teeth are in an optimal position for veneers to be placed on top. This requires little or no shaving of your teeth and only minor preparation of the tooth surface.

  • Preparation: if your teeth are crowded, misaligned or not in an ideal position for veneers, orthodontic or Invisalign treatment can realign your teeth. If you are not interested in alignment treatment, your dentist will be required to prepare your teeth prior to applying veneers. This includes teeth shaving; however, new technology allows for wafer-thin porcelain veneers, which means much less of the tooth structure will be removed compared to older technology.

What is the most common reason to have veneers replaced?

As with most things in life, veneers don’t last forever. While porcelain veneers are strong and durable, they’re not invincible. Your veneers may need to be replaced for reasons including:

A force or trauma causing your veneer and tooth to fracture or chip
If you don’t follow correct aftercare procedures and your veneer degrades or chips
If the enamel beneath your veneer decay, the tooth will require treatment, which may involve the removal of your veneer
Gum recession, which can be caused by age, vigorous brushing, or even genetics

What can I eat and drink with veneers?

While wearing your temporaries, we ask that you take great care and eat a soft food diet, to avoid breaking the temporary veneers. They may break or chip from eating crunchy foods, like raw carrots and apples, and are prone to staining from food like curries, turmeric, beetroot, red wine, tea and coffee. Softer foods without vibrant colours, like mashed potato, yoghurt and soup, will help keep the temporaries safe.

With your porcelain veneers you can eat or drink anything you want. For the first few weeks after having the veneers applied, you may experience some sensitivity. We recommend chopping crunchy food into smaller, bite-sized portions until you get used to eating with your new veneers.

To preserve the health and appearance of your veneers, we recommend avoiding biting on the front of your teeth.

What can porcelain veneers change?

Porcelain veneers are an appropriate treatment option for a broad range of dental problems. A consultation with a cosmetic dentist can help you determine if veneers are an appropriate treatment option for you.

Porcelain veneers may help conditions including:

  • Misaligned teeth

  • Discoloured or stained teeth

  • Thin tooth enamel

  • Gappy teeth (diastema)

  • Chipped or broken teeth

  • Naturally small teeth (microdontia)

How do I take care of my bonded (composite) veneers?

Wearing a nighttime splint is an effective way to protect your bonded veneers. This will help make sure you avoid chipping or breaking your veneers if you grind your teeth or lock your jaw as you sleep.

Other methods of taking care of veneers include:

  • Regular cleaning and maintenance

  • Minimising habits like nail-biting, chewing on pens, and cutting tape with your teeth

  • Avoiding high consumption of staining food or drinks

  • Avoiding biting into hard items

  • Seeing a dentist every six months for a check-up

How much do bonded veneers cost?

Bonded veneers cost approximately $450 to $650 per tooth. An exact quote for your treatment can be obtained through a consultation appointment.

To make an appointment to visit us in our modern practice in Mount Hawthorn, call us on (08)-9443-8333 or book online.